Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Different Lighting

Over the weekend, our assignment was to shoot a subject at three different times of the day. I decided to do this tree because I thought it might cast some cool shadows. The first picture i took around 8AM. The second picture i took around 2PM. And the last picture I took around 5:30PM. I like how the snow is melted a little more in each picture. I think the second picture is my favorite because it is brighter and more vivid than the rest. I also like how there are shadows in the second picture. I also kind of like the last picture because everything looks dull and dreary. It adds a different effect.

1st Picture                                                   2nd Picture                                              3rd Picture
Shutter: 1/320                                            Shutter: 1/1250                                        Shutter: 1/40
Aperture: f/3.2                                          Aperture: f/4.5                                         Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 5.33mm                         Focal Length: 4.83mm                        Focal Length: 4.3mm
ISO Speed: 80                                           ISO Speed: 80                                          ISO Speed: 80

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